Monday, June 3, 2013

Guild Wars 2 has participated in China NGF2013

Guild Wars 2 has participated in China NGF2013
 On May 18, e-sports game event - NGF2013 officially launched in Shanghai.The largest game company HongZhong Net was also taking part in this event with its Guild Wars 2 China Beta, as the only one MMORPG game, it has caught a lot of players' eyes with its special game characters and excellent element of e-sports.

  ArenaNet vice-President Randy Price event attended the game. And he has made a statement that the core of ArenaNet is to innovation and to constantly challenge the traditional rules of existing MMO, in order to create a real, vivid and evolving online world. He also said that each player is unique in the game; they are free to make some fighting with many movements, to change the dynamics events in the game world, or even the world systems, PVP and WvW.

  What make Guild Wars 2 become such a popular computer game are the characteristics of these core ideas.

  Focus on PvP, and combine with some e-sport elements

  A lot of players are keen to PvP and e-sports. The world war is a big PvP battleground. Hundreds of players can fight in there, to control the forts, casting arms, invading and depot, etc. In such an open field, set a week as the cycle, there are thousands of players fighting at the same time. As if in a real-time strategy game and everyone is a member of the RTS war.

  Guild wars 2 is to design a new 5v5 PVP, and is committed to research and development of the e-sports patterns, including joining the observer pattern, custom arena, etc.

  NGF is prestigious professional e-sport event in the game industry, thousands of e-sports enthusiasts participated in this event. Guild Wars 2 caused a lot of attention rely on a number of innovative features and PVP e-sports elements.

  E-sports players said that PVP content has collected lots of interesting elements in Guild Wars 2, with high action of sexual freedom, strong combat in World war, and provides a large space for players in the game operation, experience. And it is a game worthy of spending Guild Wars 2 gold on it.

  As a MMORPG game, Guild Wars 2 has broke traditional MMORPG online games station pile output of combat mode, and combine the highly liberal movements with fierce battle mode, which has created a unique gaming experience, and has greatly enhanced the interaction of the player, inspired players' enthusiasm to play it. - See more at:

Diablo 3: US server routine maintenance for 6 hours on June 4
WOW or as the first cross-platform 3D products
Diablo 3 PS3 confirm UK release date, to meet players in October

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Go retro with Guild Wars 2's Super Adventure Box

At first glance, you could assume that these screenshots were merely an April Fool's Day ruse, playing off the comedy of Guild Wars 2's lush character styles in a retro-themed, blocky virtual world. Yet no--those are actual in-game screens taken from inside the Super Adventure Box, the most recent addition to the realm of Tyria along with a brilliant homage to the Guild Wars 2 gold games of yesteryear.

The story goes that this whimsical new zone is often a virtual reality construct, created by the Asuran inventor Moto to educate his progeny in a whole new way. By plunging into the Super Adventure Box, players will be warped into an example filled with pixelated enemies & old-college platforming sections. For individuals that aren't so keen on jumping puzzles, fear not--friendly 8-bit rainbows will let you bypass any chasms that prove too tricky for your spacebar capabilities.

It is all a delightful tribute to games like Zelda, Minecraft, & Pitfall, and offers quite the departure from GW2's time-honored fantasy universe.Guild Wars 2 item players will get the chance to traverse by means of the Super Adventure Box all throughout the month of April; you'll find Moto and his Holography playground in Rata Sum near the Lion's Arch portal. Now, if you will excuse us--we are compelled to go conquer a number of sweet platforming problems to solve.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Complaining Air Attuning in Guild Wars 2

  Some players complained about the problem of Air Attuning in the forum. And that makes them annoying as they always receive bug reports in their inbox. What's more, these reports have nothing to do with the Traits.

  Anyways whenever you attune to Air from a different attunement, somehow you auto target the closest monster (red, yellow whatever) and shoot an auto-Fireball in Air (as he attuned from Fire to Air). This is clearly a bug, but it's very annoying because when you want to run and attune to Air you auto-attack a mob making you "in combat" which also means you can't run anymore. And that happens on Staff and Scepter.

  In addition, this never happens if he attunes to any other element, not even from Air.

  And that not only happened for one player, many Guild Wars 2 gold players had the same experience when they were playing the game.

  If you use a non attack skill (like: windborn speed) or attunement swap while having a mob close to the centre of your screen (your target area) and within attack range you auto target it and shoot your auto attack (mostly skill #1 of your current attunement).

  Some gw2 gold players have tried to use Ctrl + Right Click to for turning off auto attack. And you need go manual on this build or aggro everything.

  And I think something could to be done with the auto-targeting function. We hope ArenaNet will fix it as soon as possible. - See more at:

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

New Content for the guild missions and WvW progression system

As for the soon appears update of Guild Wars 2 Flame and Frost: The Razing, ArenaNet has revealed more details about the new content released now.

March update of "Frost and Flame: The Razing is going to appear on 26 March 2013. And this update is mainly about the living story in Tyria. Moreover, even more news like the WvW progression system and new content for the imported with the February update guild missions will be announced.

The new progression system WvW

Henceforth, the warriors gather to WvW battlefields, and world experience is the new WvW ranks what one releases. From each rank, you can invest in special WvW capabilities with the WvW ability points you get. The new capabilities cannot make the character itself stronger, but they can provide useful skills for WvW activities. So you can, for example, carry more inventories, or even might receive new siege weapon skills.

Moreover, when in conjunction with the ArenaNet WvW-ranks and also includes the new world title. This will have no impact on previously purchased items or achievements. Improvements of WvW point table and the WvW interface are also included in the March update.

New content for the guild missions

For the guild missions launched in February, there is also supplied. Firstly, for the bounty missions added three new destinations. But beware; the fugitives should be more insidious and dangerous than the previously advertised bounty targets.

In addition to the bounty hunting training, you will see a new mission type. That is just small and medium guilds which will provide the opportunity to unlock the new guild missions. The bounty hunting training mission is ready as soon as the guild war art has explored the third with the fee of 300 influence points and 72 research times. For training, we obtain instead of guild marks will influence 3000. Guilds also added new rewards such as a new set of weapons and a few new siege plans. Hope all of our players will have a good time at this game, and if you need any help to buy guild wars 2 gold or guild wars 2 items, pls contacts via our live-chat as soon as possible.

- See more at:

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Friday, March 22, 2013

Any info on what will the march patch contain (PvE)?

    I was looking for interviews or other sources but couldn't find anything other than the living story one (which I think is lame and I don't care about the living story). I think we should know if there'll be anyhing big by now, so maybe this patch will be a PvP/WvW focused one?

  Personally I really hope for an ingame LFG tool, I don't understand why it takes them so long to implement such a system.

  Probably nothing interesting or worth mentioning. Or...

  Probably the BEST patch EVER!!! Yeah! With laser beams, and lighting, and thirty-seven different flavors of Legendary Weapons. Top-it off with a scoop of GvG in first ever 10vs10 match up! And Lodestones raining from the sky! And lots of Ectoplasm!

  That, or just a boring WvW update. Hope the Guikd Wars 2 gold update the personal story and home instance soon though...

  Because it's technically incredibly challenging (and costs a lot of resources) to implement this properly? Besides there are other considerations, such as how it could completely ruin the community like it did with WoW.

  Other than the WvW and Living Story updates there's not much info at the moment. People have been telling Anet that they should stop overhyping patches because they ended up being disappointed. Anet has responded that they've taken note so perhaps that's what they're trying now.

Learn More:,question-about-gw2-1363851198.html

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

World Boss Event Chests - Poor thought?

Ok so I was pleased when I read:

Increased the loot rewards on a good deal of world boss chests, such as the chests in Orr temples and the dragon chests.

Nevertheless then I read:

Resolved a bug on precise world boss chests that was causing them to drop fewer rewards than intended. These chests can now only be looted once per day, to encourage Guild Wars 2 gold players to fight countless bosses & spread out across the world.

I'm not positive who's taking the decisions on these "genius" techniques though more than encourage they're genuinely forcing the players to spread and that is a no go in my book.

Wasn't this supposed to be a "theme park" game? If they limit us to 1 chest per day on each boss how the hell that concept makes any sense?

I guess I'll are obliged to see for myself in game before judging nonetheless I'm not liking this.


No one mentioned about farming the same chest over & over. But if I'm in a zone multiple times a day and I happen to see the same world boss event going on BY CHANCE and I want to do it for the second time on the same day, ANet it is like it's telling me "You may as well be on your way, no reward even in the event you do your part".

After all wasn't GW2 supposed to be a theme park game? So why ANet is now playing police forcing us to go there and there?

For those asking yourself, no I don't spend the complete time playing in same area all day. I do variate the zones I play in although I surely do not feel good feeling kicked from an event I need to do.

Come back to your senses folks.

Anet is starting to feel like a vast group of politicians to me commonly lately. So absolutely out of touch with the playerbase, taxing us more & more for fewer & fewer advantages, in essence just attempting to see how much they can do before the community essentially just leaves altogether.

These adjustments are going to kill the game. I'm upset about that...I had such high hopes. Nevertheless if all the awesome items in the Guild Wars 2 item game anymore have to be ground out or you're forced to guild up with individuals you do not know, care about, or need to associate yourself with, there's genuinely no more point to play this game.

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Meet the Guild Wars Chef: Tyrian recipes made mouth-stuffingly real

How's your crafting? You could not have realised it, what with all of the thunderous steel-clashing you have been engaging in, but a key tenet of Guild Wars 2's design ideology is that Guild Wars 2 gold players be in a position to level up doing whatever they like. That could mean level 80 and an enviable pile of gold coins by means of nothing although apple pies and stuffed peppers, in the event you like, without so much as going to a mob the inaccurate way.

And so it is in real life. Take the blogger, i.e., whose chosen expertise is the recreation of GW2 recipes in more tangible, aromatic form.

"In the MMORPG Guild Wars 2, 1 of the crafting professions you could pursue is that of chef," writes the Guild Wars Chef, whose genuine name sadly eludes me. "This blog is an ongoing project where I come up with actual recipes to make each of the dishes a chef can make."

New recipes are added every Wednesday, and today's is Eda's Apple Pie. Fortunately our Chef isn't above tweaking the ratios a little to suit non-Tyrian tastes - a quarter-tablespoon of ground nutmeg, for example, rather than the specified 43 seeds - however the gist and the aesthetics are exactly as you'd imagine.

We're only into week seven at the time of writing, & there are hundreds of in-game recipes, so by my estimations we are browsing project completion by about 2015.

But, oh. Will you just check out those cinnamon pinwheels?

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Taking the R out of RPG

In other games a Sniper Gun, a Rocket Launcher, and a Machine Gun for each player allows for hours of tactics and strategic Guild Wars 2 gold game play, yet no one complains that "everyone can do the same thing".

Actually some people do and that's why many FPS limit gear selection, have classes etc. (e.g. if you pick medic you get a defibrillator but can only start with a submachine gun, not an assault rifle)

I would say just level up in WvW just make sure to complete your daily achievement too since that will level you up nearly a level by itself.

As for taking longer, people had different experiances, it depends on what you play. Events in WvW can go by really quickly. I mean in 5 minutes you can take over a supply camp and if there are enemy dolyaks there thats like 3 events right there. But if you do a lot of open field fighting experiance gain will slow down. That being said if you're enjoying yourself I dont think it should be a problem if it takes longer or not to level up would it?

I agree with all of this. And, if you noticed in the post you quoted, I think it would be less of a problem if I could access my 70 traits in WvW regarldess of level. But, yes, I will probably have more fun just staying in WvW, which is what I will most likely do.

No. I'm sorry. I can't take it anymore. I don't know I can make it any clearer. You apparently lack the ability to think on the level that I'm trying to initiate and steer the discussion. You're getting close but you just aren't there.

You can't kill the trinity. You won't kill the trinity. The trinity will always be there in soul. You can only expand upon the trinity into more defined specialized roles that function around the core values of the trinity. For the trinity is utmost simplification of a combat system into a _combat strategy_.

Any notion that the trinity was removed is an illusion, which by converse means YOU ALL ARE DELUSIONAL.

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

ArenaNet: No Guild Wars 2 expansions planned for now

"Expansions are definitely something that we'll potentially check out in the future, yet we do not have a timetable on it," Johanson says. "We're open to it, although I think our major focus as a studio is making the living world concept as robust as possibly can for the players that we have got."

That policy certainly shows by means of the Guild Wars 2 gold game's meaty patch updates mainly bringing extra quest varieties, mini-games, PVP overhauls, & story arcs. When asked on the possibility of seeing a far-off Guild Wars 3, Johanson reiterated ArenaNet's commitment to its current title.

"We must be able to have teams advancing new, innovative features that change the way you play our game and grow that experience so it feels like you do not leave Guild Wars two," he explains. "Guild Wars 2 item ends up being Guild Wars two.5 or Guild Wars 3 & it continues to grow."

Here's a couple of speedy comparisons: Burning Crusade, World of Warcraft's first expansion, appeared after Blizzard spent almost three years adding and updating raids & PVP features in the vanilla content. Star Wars: The Old Republic's first expansion, Rise of the Hutt Cartel, is now in closed and public checking a couple months after the game celebrated its first anniversary.

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Guild Wars 2: Individual story pop up choice?

So I did the PS with 1 character, story was meh yet the combat stuff was fun. Now I'm onto a 2nd character and I have 0 desire to do any PS, is there a technique to turn off that annoying message in the top right cover constantly telling me to do my PS?

Creativity, Innovation, Evolution, these are the path to the light side of the force...and client retention.

No, there is not that I know of. Then again consider a new character will have a entire new story line... you may in fact like that 1. What race/profession did you roll with this time?

then just picture it as a rapid easy approach to earn XP:) story quests offer fantastic xp and respectable rewards..

Discover More about Guild Wars 2 gold Here:

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bug of Guild Bounty Missions in Guild Wars 2!

Your Attention please, according to the announcement of North American Community Team Leader, there was a bug of Guild Bounty Missions, so that they suggest that guild masters not spend the influence to speed up the process of unlocking the Guild Bounty Missions until they are able to fix this bug. Something worried most of the players is they have no idea how’s going with their progress and the influence’s status, they are gone or would be kept in the system or not? ... However ArenaNet will keep updated. And also we will keep Guild Wars 2 gold players informed in time!

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Guild Wars 2 guild missions detailed, trailered as game goes on sale

ArenNet has released a new trailer showing much of the new guild missions coming to the MMO with the update on February 26. The developer has also updated its blog with some pertinent data on the matter. On top of all this, the Guild Wars 2 gold game is on sale until February 25. So in case you have been in the market for it, you could grab the Digital Edition and Digital Deluxe editions for 30% off. Hit up the links to find out more. The latest video is below.

Clicking Here learn more:

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Loot Issues in Guild Wars 2

After minutes of dodging fatal blows, dancing around your enemy with unparalleled focus and calling upon every skill & every tactic you've mastered along your journey, you finally slay the mighty beast! You approach it is corpse and from it, you hold up... a chunk of ore! You hold this chunk of ore high with a triumphant roar!

Alright, so that wasn't the most epic ending to the dramatic encounter right? Well if you're like most Guild Wars 2 gold players, then you've probably had this happen to you before and are most likely under the presumption that the loot tables, for a lot of the more challenging monsters in the game, could be a bit off. Well it turns out that presumption isn't too far from the truth.

In accordance with a recent forum post by Colin Johanson, Game Director for Guild Wars 2, the loot procedure itself is often working fine.

"After reading reports in the loot concerns thread, we spent more time investigating our rewards process. As I mentioned a number of weeks ago, we verified that all loot tables are indeed working appropriately in the game." Says Johanson

He does go on to share nonetheless, that after continued research they discovered that the circumstance is not with the loot method itself, although with the way it determines if players will need to qualify for receiving loot.

"The rules by which you qualify for credit for an event or for experience when killing a mob are unique rules than those used to help identify if you qualify for loot. A lot of these were set up to be unintentionally restrictive, and as such you could kill a creature with a good deal of health (this was most noticeable on champions) & not qualify for loot, despite qualifying for all other credit."

So in a nut-shell, you can do adequate damage to get credit for the kill & experience points, but only qualify for minimal to no loot at all. Which should explain getting "Chunks of Ore" from creatures that could practically 2-shot you in the event you are not conscientious.

He does bring fantastic news at the end of his post however, saying that the fix for this issue will be coming with the February update. Based on Johanson, after the fix has been implemented:

*All champion-type mobs must more often than not drop at least one blue or better loot item

*All veteran mobs will have a chance at dropping better loot, in comparison to normal mobs

He also brings up the point that you will still need to do sufficient harm to qualify for loot, though not doing sufficient harm is the only reason champion mobs won't drop any loot.

Colin Johanson wraps up his post by saying:

"On top of this, we're also revising much of the loot in numerous locations of the GW2 gold game for the February release that need to make precise sectors more enjoyable. We'll cover this is in detail with the February release notes."

So rest assured adventurers. By the end of this month you will not need to be ashamed about sharing your treasure experiences at your subsequent Moot! You could read the full forum post by Colin Johanson here.

See you in game!

Clicking Here:

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Guild Wars 2 Community Meet & Greet in Seattle on March 1

ArenaNet is having a meet and greet for fans at the Tap Home Grill in downtown Seattle on Friday, March 1st, 2013 for those interested by stopping by!

Some of the developers will be accessible to meet and hang out with the fans. They also plan to serve a light lunch & give out drink tickets to a lot of the fans that cease in to share hello.

Although that's not all! They will also be holding a live Q&A session for the fans that make it to ask questions concerning the Guild Wars 2 gold game & will giving out prizes from SteelSeries!

When: Friday March 1, 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Where: Tap House Grill, 1506 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98101
Who can attend: This event is open to anyone 21 and over. No tickets or reservations are demanded, although we are confined to the capability of the venue.

Find Out More:

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Guild Wars 2 teaches you the way to capture-the-orb in most up-to-date gameplay video

The most recent Guild Wars 2 gameplay video details the new PvP map included in the upcoming content update Flame & Frost: The Gathering Storm.

The PvP map called "Spirit Watch" features a capture-the-flag mode. 2 teams must capture the Orb of Ascension situated in the center of the map & run it to 1 of three capture shrines: Wolf, Raven & Bear.

Teams are allocated capture shrines at the start of the match. Running the Orb to a friendly shrine awards 30 points & running the orb to enemy shrine rewards 15 points; but, the shrine is neutralized by doing so.

GW2 gold players with Orb possession are lowered to 60 % speed, yet have access to all of their powers, except stealth and swiftness.

Guild Wars 2 was released Aug. 28, 2012 for Windows Computer and Sep. 18 for Mac and will add its 2nd content update Flame and Frost: The Gathering Storm on Feb. 26.

See more info about buy Guild Wars 2 gold at:

Friday, February 1, 2013

ArenaNet wants more transparency

Game Director Colin Johanson commented on the official forum of the online role-playing game Guild Wars 2 on the plans regarding the game design and transparency.

In Guild Wars 2 ends of these days the Wintersday event and thus leads ArenaNet his players in mind that this is a second time only one event negotiated, which provided for a temporary new content, much like it has with the Halloween update case. Meanwhile stirs among the community of Guild Wars 2, but the interest in more profound changes and so every Guild Wars 2 gold game director Colin Johanson taken in the forum MMORPGs with no monthly fees and a heart embellished the plans.

Away from the fact that they would soon unveil details in order to ensure more transparency, says the Post, among other things only small patches in January. Also, the February and March are the only preparation for coming changes. These range but on the areas of PvE and PvP WvW. The scope could correspond to what one would normally expect from an expansion and is designed to help the existing game world still watchable to do in all respects.
You are on the lookout for more news, trailers, screenshots and articles about Guild Wars 2? Then look have a look on our topics page and stay up to date.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Guild Wars 2 : The Living Story

Guild Wars 2 Narrative Designer Angel McCoy has penned the most up-to-date developer diary on the official site. This time, the focus of the post is on the 'living story' that the game embodies. The living story, as the name implies is the driving force behind the entire gw2 gold game: The quests, the dynamic events and more.

The Living Story is simultaneously transitory & permanent. As the story arcs play out, the tale evolves. Each portion of the Living Story narrative will only be accessible for a distinct period of time, however it will have repercussions in the world and upon the people living in it. The occurrences in the Living Story leave their mark—both scars & flowerbeds—and these wounds & blessings are permanent.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

GW2 Dynamic Events ARE revolutionary, I cannot wait till they're evolutionary!

I keep hearing individuals talking about Dynamic Events & how they're just like Rift's rifts, or Warhammer's PQ's, but I don't see the similarity at all. The DE's in GW2 are especially revolutionary. Rifts just seem to be random occurances of mobs all over the map, and that does not sound revolutionary at all, nothing like GW2 Dynamic Events.

Now I know that there are all types of people going to tell me how wrong I am. I have seen how people react to words, & especially words that may show GW2 in a positive light. And I'm certain that none of them in fact care if no-one says anything, although they positive care if someone says that they like the gw2 gold game. It is just a negative world for countless men and women, & they feel compelled to "keep the optimism in check"

The DE's in GW2 are rather revolutionary. Take i.e., one of the norn Dynamic Events in the starting area. It begins off with a norn woman wanting to acquire wyrm eggs for food. Now she asks everybody in the vicinity to help by retrieving as a number of wyrm eggs as feasible, and she will use the eggs to make quite a few food for everyone. Needless to convey, she requirements a considerable amount of eggs, and the more those who take part, implies she will need even more eggs. Once she has adequate, she will say so and then give folks a chance to bring the last of the eggs they have collected to her. Yeah, thats right, she doesn't just quit and leave, she offers everybody a chance to participate albeit she's reached her quota.

Then she goes back to the lodge to prepare a wondrous meal for everyone, although the scent of the eggs attracts wyrms to the lodge! Yes, this is a lodge with NPC vendors & everything, & everyone has to help fend off the wyrm attack! The attack more or less seems endless as wave after wave of wyrms attack the lodge. The bodies of wyrms, & norn litter the ground in front of the lodge. And once the assault is finally over, the eggs are ruined and the woman has to admit that it might not have actually been such a excellent notion to acquire all those eggs. An additional norn comments that the fight was magnificent (LOL! That is sooo norn) and before long the woman decides to go obtain more eggs, plus the event has gone through it is full revolution. Full circle, so to talk.

That is why I say that GW2 Dynamic Events are revolutionary, nevertheless what I'm genuinely looking forward to is when they become evolutionary. When an event chain matures to not commonly come back to the precise same point. Maybe it will nonetheless have the potential to return to it's original point, although I would like to see a variety of return points to start from, as well as multiple outcomes.

I can't wait to see where the genre moves to subsequent.

Learn more info about buy guild wars 2 gold at:

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Guild Wars 2: Developer Live Stream Chat TODAY

Three of the Guild Wars 2 team will be on hand in the official Guild Wars 2 live stream channel to talk about the game's design and other topics of interest to the GW2 community. The event is slated to kick off at noon Pacific (3:00 p.m. EST) TODAY.

We will do a livestream on our Twitch channel tomorrow.

Systems Designer Matt Witter,Guild Wars 2 gold Game Designer Jonathan Sharp and Lead Content Designer Mike Zadorojny will talk about design and topics currently being discussed in the Guild Wars 2 community.

The Livestream starts at 12:00 PM Pacific time, make sure to tune in:

And there is more! After a quick lunch break, we will be back on air at 02:00 PM, and our developers will answer questions from you, keep an eye open for a dedicated thread on our official forum where you can post them!(source)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Guild Wars 2 sells 3 million copies in a altering MMO market-place

The Secret World, Tera, and Star Wars: The Old Republic are just 3 of the high profile MMOs that have had to drop subscription fees to stay alive. Guild Wars 2′s splendid sales prove that the technique to win the MMO market-place is to forego subscriptions totally.

Guild Wars 2 is exclusive from your standard MMO, although it may not crop up to be on the surface. ArenaNet's game is built to stay away from much of the structural challenges that have hampered online role-playing games since the late '90s. It opened quests to players of varying levels to allow them to play together. It rewards exploration of the world & encourages you to wander freely rather than restricting you to distinct regions dependent on how much time you have poured into the game. & like its successful predecessor, there are no subscription charges in Guild Wars 2.

ArenaNet's forward thinking has been well rewarded; the firm's sold 3 million copies of Guild Wars 2 since releasing the game in August.
The studio announced the sales milestone on Tuesday, boasting recent additions to the game like new PvP & PvE maps along with a entire new dungeon named "Fractals of the Mist."

Guild Wars 2's success is a case study in what's demanded to flourish in the vastly multiplayer online role-playing game market in 2013. It was 1 of quite a few high profile MMOs to open for business in 2012, which includes Funcom's The Secret World, En Masse Entertainment's Tera, and Electronic Arts & BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic (which technically released during the last days of 2011.) In contrast to Guild Wars 2, those 3 MMOs all opened requiring monthly subscription charges from players. In the past six months, all of them have either dropped subscription charges absolutely or plan to in the immediate future.

Even at their respective peaks, however, none of those games matched Guild Wars 2's sales. Over 2 million players participated in the Star Wars: The Old Republic beta test, although a mere 1.7 million gw2 gold players were paying to play the game in February 2012 just after its release. That membership shrunk to one.three million by Could and continued to decline across the year. The Secret World has sold just 300,000 copies since opening last year.

ArenaNet's model, in spite of this, proves that a brand new MMO can open and enhance a substantial audience on costly up-front sales. The game's also bit by bit sold over the past couple of months. It sold 2 million copies within the 1st 2 weeks of release (which includes pre-orders), & its built progressively at a rate of more than 300,000 new players per month.

2013 will prove a momentous year for MMOs as Blizzard is expected to express particulars about its successor to World of Warcraft. Even now, though, we may be guaranteed that that buy guild wars 2 gold game will not have a monthly subscription fee.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Guild Wars 2: two big free extensions for this winter?

In a long interview with our colleagues GamingBolt Colin Johanson "Game Director" at ArenaNet for Guild Wars 2, is returned to the launch has been difficult the game He also talks about his future and the opportunity to announce that several major expansions are planned for this winter.

We learn that the success of the gw2 gold game was not at all expected by ArenaNet teams, and now, although the largest wave has passed, there are still plenty of players online. To illustrate, Colin Johanson explains that "during the last weekend of November, the bandwidth game server was busy at peak 90% of connections." This occupancy rate alone explains the desire to have the editor to temporarily suspend sales of Guild Wars 2 for a few weeks shortly after the launch of the title, so as not to saturate more.

Two big updates this winter, with new content

After an update of an honest size in November, the publisher has scheduled three additions of content for December, January and February, without specifying their content. If that happens this month will be relatively light, it insists, however, that updates the last two months butt equate to what we can find in other extensions paying deductibles, then that 'will be made freely available to players of Guild Wars 2.

As for the first part of the series, Guild Wars 2 will also pay extensions, they are however less numerous than the first game. According to Colin Johanson, it is difficult to get add-ons such every six months without overworking the development team. The editor prefers to try to keep a monthly for free updates and propose a few extensions parallel pay.
No subscription to the horizon, the current model works well

Finally, everyone is reassured, the current economic model of Guild Wars 2 is working properly, and it is not a question for the editor to switch to a subscription model. A passage in full "free to play" is not expected either, because it too would impact the current system of microtransactions. Currently, no object in giving benefits Guild Wars 2 gold game is available via the shop, or passing on a free mode require the publisher to add such items, to which he refuses. Also note that the port on the Mac is still in beta testing, while the possibility of raising the Linux gaming is considered.

Finally, remember that Guild Wars 2 is still available for sale, and you can come and share your gaming experience in the topic dedicated to it on our forum.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Beta Feature: Mobile Two-Factor Authentication

As part of our ongoing commitment to security in Guild Wars 2, I am pleased to announce that we are making a mobile two-factor authentication solution available for beta testing, effective immediately.(original post)

Mobile two-factor authentication is an alternative means of securing your Guild Wars 2 account, and like e-mail authentication, is optional but strongly encouraged. Rather than sending you an e-mail when unauthorized login attempts occur, the gw2 gold game (or any of our online web sites) will prompt you for a six-digit number any time you log in to a Mobile Authenticator-protected account. Using a freely available app on three major smartphone platforms – iOS, Android, and Windows Phone – you can obtain the correct six-digit number unique to your account. These numbers change every 30 seconds and can only be used once; this ensures that without your mobile device, an attacker would not be able to compromise your Guild Wars 2 account.

Please be advised that this feature is currently in beta and we are actively working to get it up to our standards of quality. Use of this feature should be considered “at your own risk” until we have completed the beta phase. We have already identified two major improvements to the feature that we will complete before releasing this system for general use:

To increase security of your account, unlinking the Mobile Authenticator will require additional six-digit codes.

We will be introducing an option to “remember my current network” so that you will not have to authenticate every login from trusted environments.

Of course we will also be interested in your feedback on this feature, and will make sure to take into account your suggestions and opinions during final development.

Setting it Up:
Steps will be associated with either [Computer] or [Mobile] for where the step is taking place.

[Computer] Navigate to and log in with your Guild Wars 2 credentials.

- If you are redirected to the Security home page (, be sure to add /totp back into the URL.

[Computer] Identify the correct app for your mobile platform. Here are some suggestions:

- Google Authenticator for iPhones and Android.
- Windows Authenticator for Windows Phones.
[Mobile] Download the application to your mobile device.
[Computer] Click ‘Next’ on the Account Management page
[Mobile] If your version of the Mobile Authenticator app has the ability to scan QR codes, use it to automatically scan the QR code displayed in Account Management [Computer] and skip to step #7.

[Mobile] If your version of the Mobile Authenticator app does not have the ability scan QR codes, or that ability is not working with the QR code displayed, enter your credentials manually.

- “Account Name” is the same as your Guild Wars Account Name.
- “Key” is the secret code displayed in Account Management [Computer].
- Select “Time Based” and not “Counter Based”
- Select ‘Add’.

[Computer] In the field below the QR code, enter the six-digit code now displayed from your Mobile Authenticator app [Mobile].
Click ‘Next’.

For more information, please refer to this Knowledge Base article –
Thank you in advance for your support, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts on this initiative.

- Mike Lewis
Guild Wars 2 Security Coordinator

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Guild Wars 2 the winter feast

From today until January 2 next Guild Wars 2 celebrates the winter and holiday season with Yuletide, a seasonal event pervasive Tyria. Players can explore the environments in Lion's Arch, Droknar's Forge, Ascalon City, Kamadan, and the Eye of the North decorated for the occasion, quests, missions and games will be offered. From December 15, the creator of toys will also Tixx a small tour in the gw2 gold game world, before moving to Lion's Arch from December 20 to January 2. Forging mystic transform on it snowball. ArenaNet us some pictures to illustrate this event, and the more complete list of new features available can be found on the official website of the French game, or its English version, more comprehensive.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Inquisitr Gaming MMO Update For January 2013

The new year has arrived & online gamers are once once again faced with the circumstance of which MMOS to play. There are a large number of excellent games to decide on from and whittling down the list could be a troublesome & painful selection. Players must decide if they'll focus on just one game or play a number of of their favorites. No matter which game or games you figure out to play, the goal of every gamer ought to be to have fun. The Inquisitr is here to assist you make a decision which games to play so you could dedicate more of your energy to having a amazing time playing the games you love.

Today, we will consider a lot of the games that the writers here at The Inquisitr are in simple terms playing. These games represent our individual solutions & it is essential to keep in mind there are tons of other good MMOS available. There is a enormous choice of gratis to play games such as Atlantica Online, Perfect World, Runes of Magic, Aion & League of Legends which are also worth your consideration. There are several fantastic online games obtainable that we could spend a week reviewing them & we would hardly scratch the surface. As relentlessly, we will do our utmost to review as many of these astonishing games as humanly attainable in the weeks ahead.

So without further ado, let us commence with today's choice of online games:

Elder Scrolls Online:

Perhaps no game has ever generated as much anticipation as the upcoming Elder Scrolls Online. Millions of devoted gamers took a break from playing online games to play Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on a Personal computer, Xbox 360 or PlayStation three, and the gaming community has been begging for an online version of Elder Scrolls for more than a decade. 2013 will be the year that gamers finally get their wish. After 5 long years of development, Elder Scrolls Online will be beginning beta checking soon and the game is schedule for release later in 2013.

World Of Warcraft:

World Of Warcraft is still the king of online gaming with over 10 million monthly subscribers. While Blizzard's flagship game could finally face a serious challenge from Elder Scrolls Online, there were a large number of other promising, highly anticipated games that failed to knock WoW off the throne. The most recent expansion, Mists Of Pandaria, was a welcome return to the style of play Warcraft fans prefer plus the game is experiencing a revival. Servers are full and new content is being added on a common basis. It will take a really groundbreaking effort for any MMO to seriously challenge WoW.

Lord Of The Rings Online:

When it comes to the story, questing and detailed content, no game can hold a candle to Lord Of The Rings Online. Dependent upon history's all time finest selling work of fiction, J.R.R.Tolkien's beloved novel, The Lord Of The Rings, LOTRO successfully translates the world of Middle Earth into an thrilling and thoroughly enjoyable MMORPG.

The team at Turbine managed to craft a game that allows players to share the journey of Frodo and the fellowship, while nonetheless experiencing an large game that enables the player to explore Middle Earth independent of the ring bearer. Players will encounter a huge world full of the most fearsome creatures from Tolkien's universe, hundreds of thrilling quests & difficult dungeons full of epic bosses. Add a distinctive form of PvP that makes it possible for gamers to assume the role of the game's monsters plus the new feature of mounted combat identified in the Riders Of Rohan expansion and you've a difficult MMO well worth playing, LOTRO offers a monthly subscription plus a gratis to play model with limited access to several sections of the game.


A different especially anticipated game for 2013, Firefall is a first person shooter & role playing game all in 1. Now in beta testing, Firefall is a rare FPSRPG that any person can get pleasure from from the moment they begin playing, no matter their skill level at fast twitch gaming. While amazing reflexes are at all times beneficial, even this 61 year old gaming writer was in a position have a blast playing this remarkable new game.

Players will discover a post apocalyptic earth that has gone through an environmental catastrophe. The planet's flora and fauna mutated into aggressive, monstrous creations & making matters even worse, an alien race decided the planet was ripe for conquest. The remains of humanity huddles in the couple of surviving safe havens scattered around the globe, awaiting the end.

Gamers are equipped with a jet pack powered, noticeably armed battle frame that is accessible in five unique classes; Recon, Assault, Biotech, Engineer, and Dreadnaught. Join the fight to push back the aliens, remedy the planet of the widespread corruption and save the human race.

In case you need thrilling fast paced combat with non quit action plus questing and a massive world to explore, grab a battle frame of your own and leap into Firefall when this great game goes live later in the year. Finest of all, Firefall is 100% zero cost to play.

Guild Wars 2:

Guild Wars 2 is an additional game that offers a world class leveling experience after which starts to stumble as gw2 gold players reach the level cap. Once you hit the cap, Guildwars two is everything about PvP. In case you are a dedicated fan of Player vs. Player combat, than you will love GW2. The leveling experience is smooth as silk & there are quite a few different types of PvP to pick out from, including World v. World & Hot Join games. There are everyday, weekly, and monthly tournaments, leader boards, & adequate combat to satisfy the most hardcore PvP gamers.

"Competitive play in Guild Wars 2 is straightforward to study, on the other hand offers challenges for new players & hardcore PvPers alike. In Player vs. Player matches, modest teams of players battle over maps packed with objectives, while in World vs. World, armies of hundreds of players from competing servers wage war across four sprawling maps."

PvE lovers will most likely feel a bit lost after they hit level 80 as there are only quite a few end game dungeons plus a limited quantity of day-to-day quests. Hopefully, ArenaNet will address this circumstance by adding a good deal more end game content, so by all indicates give this Guild Wars 2 gold game a attempt. After all, it is entirely zero cost to play plus the Player vs. Player action is the greatest any MMO has to offer.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Guild Wars 2 Rollin With The Storm Game Review

I was told last week you know Storm you have never done a review of Gw2 or your actual thoughts. So I said well damn you realize what I never have. So here it is my thoughts on the game what could help it what's hurting it. Here's a list of items I touched on feel zero cost to input your own thoughts as well. You have no right or inaccurate statements here. It is all opinion & great to get out want & desires.

Community, World Events, Dungeon, Professions, Looks&Style, Combat, & PVP

I also touched on what might help the game more in depth towards the end. E.g. better social interaction due to the fact we've no urging to even do so at the moment. Also more server engaging world events that make the server react and do something beyond zerging. Better reason to do the standard dungeons being that they are pretty much all nevertheless abandoned.

Legendaries demands to be streamlined because even with help it's nonetheless too ridiculous right now to be worth your time. Finally the last two factors more skills have to be added to the weapons plus the means to switch them. & SPVP/WVW desires to mean a bit more than it does right now. A better carrot at the end so to speak we can run for. I went more in depth in the video but for people that do not wish to watch that is more than fine. Like I stated above leave your views and comments hopefully something we say will get realised and added to the Guild Wars 2 gold game.