Saturday, March 16, 2013

Meet the Guild Wars Chef: Tyrian recipes made mouth-stuffingly real

How's your crafting? You could not have realised it, what with all of the thunderous steel-clashing you have been engaging in, but a key tenet of Guild Wars 2's design ideology is that Guild Wars 2 gold players be in a position to level up doing whatever they like. That could mean level 80 and an enviable pile of gold coins by means of nothing although apple pies and stuffed peppers, in the event you like, without so much as going to a mob the inaccurate way.

And so it is in real life. Take the blogger, i.e., whose chosen expertise is the recreation of GW2 recipes in more tangible, aromatic form.

"In the MMORPG Guild Wars 2, 1 of the crafting professions you could pursue is that of chef," writes the Guild Wars Chef, whose genuine name sadly eludes me. "This blog is an ongoing project where I come up with actual recipes to make each of the dishes a chef can make."

New recipes are added every Wednesday, and today's is Eda's Apple Pie. Fortunately our Chef isn't above tweaking the ratios a little to suit non-Tyrian tastes - a quarter-tablespoon of ground nutmeg, for example, rather than the specified 43 seeds - however the gist and the aesthetics are exactly as you'd imagine.

We're only into week seven at the time of writing, & there are hundreds of in-game recipes, so by my estimations we are browsing project completion by about 2015.

But, oh. Will you just check out those cinnamon pinwheels?

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