Friday, February 1, 2013

ArenaNet wants more transparency

Game Director Colin Johanson commented on the official forum of the online role-playing game Guild Wars 2 on the plans regarding the game design and transparency.

In Guild Wars 2 ends of these days the Wintersday event and thus leads ArenaNet his players in mind that this is a second time only one event negotiated, which provided for a temporary new content, much like it has with the Halloween update case. Meanwhile stirs among the community of Guild Wars 2, but the interest in more profound changes and so every Guild Wars 2 gold game director Colin Johanson taken in the forum MMORPGs with no monthly fees and a heart embellished the plans.

Away from the fact that they would soon unveil details in order to ensure more transparency, says the Post, among other things only small patches in January. Also, the February and March are the only preparation for coming changes. These range but on the areas of PvE and PvP WvW. The scope could correspond to what one would normally expect from an expansion and is designed to help the existing game world still watchable to do in all respects.
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