Saturday, January 5, 2013

Guild Wars 2 Rollin With The Storm Game Review

I was told last week you know Storm you have never done a review of Gw2 or your actual thoughts. So I said well damn you realize what I never have. So here it is my thoughts on the game what could help it what's hurting it. Here's a list of items I touched on feel zero cost to input your own thoughts as well. You have no right or inaccurate statements here. It is all opinion & great to get out want & desires.

Community, World Events, Dungeon, Professions, Looks&Style, Combat, & PVP

I also touched on what might help the game more in depth towards the end. E.g. better social interaction due to the fact we've no urging to even do so at the moment. Also more server engaging world events that make the server react and do something beyond zerging. Better reason to do the standard dungeons being that they are pretty much all nevertheless abandoned.

Legendaries demands to be streamlined because even with help it's nonetheless too ridiculous right now to be worth your time. Finally the last two factors more skills have to be added to the weapons plus the means to switch them. & SPVP/WVW desires to mean a bit more than it does right now. A better carrot at the end so to speak we can run for. I went more in depth in the video but for people that do not wish to watch that is more than fine. Like I stated above leave your views and comments hopefully something we say will get realised and added to the Guild Wars 2 gold game.

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