Thursday, March 28, 2013

Complaining Air Attuning in Guild Wars 2

  Some players complained about the problem of Air Attuning in the forum. And that makes them annoying as they always receive bug reports in their inbox. What's more, these reports have nothing to do with the Traits.

  Anyways whenever you attune to Air from a different attunement, somehow you auto target the closest monster (red, yellow whatever) and shoot an auto-Fireball in Air (as he attuned from Fire to Air). This is clearly a bug, but it's very annoying because when you want to run and attune to Air you auto-attack a mob making you "in combat" which also means you can't run anymore. And that happens on Staff and Scepter.

  In addition, this never happens if he attunes to any other element, not even from Air.

  And that not only happened for one player, many Guild Wars 2 gold players had the same experience when they were playing the game.

  If you use a non attack skill (like: windborn speed) or attunement swap while having a mob close to the centre of your screen (your target area) and within attack range you auto target it and shoot your auto attack (mostly skill #1 of your current attunement).

  Some gw2 gold players have tried to use Ctrl + Right Click to for turning off auto attack. And you need go manual on this build or aggro everything.

  And I think something could to be done with the auto-targeting function. We hope ArenaNet will fix it as soon as possible. - See more at:

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

New Content for the guild missions and WvW progression system

As for the soon appears update of Guild Wars 2 Flame and Frost: The Razing, ArenaNet has revealed more details about the new content released now.

March update of "Frost and Flame: The Razing is going to appear on 26 March 2013. And this update is mainly about the living story in Tyria. Moreover, even more news like the WvW progression system and new content for the imported with the February update guild missions will be announced.

The new progression system WvW

Henceforth, the warriors gather to WvW battlefields, and world experience is the new WvW ranks what one releases. From each rank, you can invest in special WvW capabilities with the WvW ability points you get. The new capabilities cannot make the character itself stronger, but they can provide useful skills for WvW activities. So you can, for example, carry more inventories, or even might receive new siege weapon skills.

Moreover, when in conjunction with the ArenaNet WvW-ranks and also includes the new world title. This will have no impact on previously purchased items or achievements. Improvements of WvW point table and the WvW interface are also included in the March update.

New content for the guild missions

For the guild missions launched in February, there is also supplied. Firstly, for the bounty missions added three new destinations. But beware; the fugitives should be more insidious and dangerous than the previously advertised bounty targets.

In addition to the bounty hunting training, you will see a new mission type. That is just small and medium guilds which will provide the opportunity to unlock the new guild missions. The bounty hunting training mission is ready as soon as the guild war art has explored the third with the fee of 300 influence points and 72 research times. For training, we obtain instead of guild marks will influence 3000. Guilds also added new rewards such as a new set of weapons and a few new siege plans. Hope all of our players will have a good time at this game, and if you need any help to buy guild wars 2 gold or guild wars 2 items, pls contacts via our live-chat as soon as possible.

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Friday, March 22, 2013

Any info on what will the march patch contain (PvE)?

    I was looking for interviews or other sources but couldn't find anything other than the living story one (which I think is lame and I don't care about the living story). I think we should know if there'll be anyhing big by now, so maybe this patch will be a PvP/WvW focused one?

  Personally I really hope for an ingame LFG tool, I don't understand why it takes them so long to implement such a system.

  Probably nothing interesting or worth mentioning. Or...

  Probably the BEST patch EVER!!! Yeah! With laser beams, and lighting, and thirty-seven different flavors of Legendary Weapons. Top-it off with a scoop of GvG in first ever 10vs10 match up! And Lodestones raining from the sky! And lots of Ectoplasm!

  That, or just a boring WvW update. Hope the Guikd Wars 2 gold update the personal story and home instance soon though...

  Because it's technically incredibly challenging (and costs a lot of resources) to implement this properly? Besides there are other considerations, such as how it could completely ruin the community like it did with WoW.

  Other than the WvW and Living Story updates there's not much info at the moment. People have been telling Anet that they should stop overhyping patches because they ended up being disappointed. Anet has responded that they've taken note so perhaps that's what they're trying now.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

World Boss Event Chests - Poor thought?

Ok so I was pleased when I read:

Increased the loot rewards on a good deal of world boss chests, such as the chests in Orr temples and the dragon chests.

Nevertheless then I read:

Resolved a bug on precise world boss chests that was causing them to drop fewer rewards than intended. These chests can now only be looted once per day, to encourage Guild Wars 2 gold players to fight countless bosses & spread out across the world.

I'm not positive who's taking the decisions on these "genius" techniques though more than encourage they're genuinely forcing the players to spread and that is a no go in my book.

Wasn't this supposed to be a "theme park" game? If they limit us to 1 chest per day on each boss how the hell that concept makes any sense?

I guess I'll are obliged to see for myself in game before judging nonetheless I'm not liking this.


No one mentioned about farming the same chest over & over. But if I'm in a zone multiple times a day and I happen to see the same world boss event going on BY CHANCE and I want to do it for the second time on the same day, ANet it is like it's telling me "You may as well be on your way, no reward even in the event you do your part".

After all wasn't GW2 supposed to be a theme park game? So why ANet is now playing police forcing us to go there and there?

For those asking yourself, no I don't spend the complete time playing in same area all day. I do variate the zones I play in although I surely do not feel good feeling kicked from an event I need to do.

Come back to your senses folks.

Anet is starting to feel like a vast group of politicians to me commonly lately. So absolutely out of touch with the playerbase, taxing us more & more for fewer & fewer advantages, in essence just attempting to see how much they can do before the community essentially just leaves altogether.

These adjustments are going to kill the game. I'm upset about that...I had such high hopes. Nevertheless if all the awesome items in the Guild Wars 2 item game anymore have to be ground out or you're forced to guild up with individuals you do not know, care about, or need to associate yourself with, there's genuinely no more point to play this game.

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Meet the Guild Wars Chef: Tyrian recipes made mouth-stuffingly real

How's your crafting? You could not have realised it, what with all of the thunderous steel-clashing you have been engaging in, but a key tenet of Guild Wars 2's design ideology is that Guild Wars 2 gold players be in a position to level up doing whatever they like. That could mean level 80 and an enviable pile of gold coins by means of nothing although apple pies and stuffed peppers, in the event you like, without so much as going to a mob the inaccurate way.

And so it is in real life. Take the blogger, i.e., whose chosen expertise is the recreation of GW2 recipes in more tangible, aromatic form.

"In the MMORPG Guild Wars 2, 1 of the crafting professions you could pursue is that of chef," writes the Guild Wars Chef, whose genuine name sadly eludes me. "This blog is an ongoing project where I come up with actual recipes to make each of the dishes a chef can make."

New recipes are added every Wednesday, and today's is Eda's Apple Pie. Fortunately our Chef isn't above tweaking the ratios a little to suit non-Tyrian tastes - a quarter-tablespoon of ground nutmeg, for example, rather than the specified 43 seeds - however the gist and the aesthetics are exactly as you'd imagine.

We're only into week seven at the time of writing, & there are hundreds of in-game recipes, so by my estimations we are browsing project completion by about 2015.

But, oh. Will you just check out those cinnamon pinwheels?

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Taking the R out of RPG

In other games a Sniper Gun, a Rocket Launcher, and a Machine Gun for each player allows for hours of tactics and strategic Guild Wars 2 gold game play, yet no one complains that "everyone can do the same thing".

Actually some people do and that's why many FPS limit gear selection, have classes etc. (e.g. if you pick medic you get a defibrillator but can only start with a submachine gun, not an assault rifle)

I would say just level up in WvW just make sure to complete your daily achievement too since that will level you up nearly a level by itself.

As for taking longer, people had different experiances, it depends on what you play. Events in WvW can go by really quickly. I mean in 5 minutes you can take over a supply camp and if there are enemy dolyaks there thats like 3 events right there. But if you do a lot of open field fighting experiance gain will slow down. That being said if you're enjoying yourself I dont think it should be a problem if it takes longer or not to level up would it?

I agree with all of this. And, if you noticed in the post you quoted, I think it would be less of a problem if I could access my 70 traits in WvW regarldess of level. But, yes, I will probably have more fun just staying in WvW, which is what I will most likely do.

No. I'm sorry. I can't take it anymore. I don't know I can make it any clearer. You apparently lack the ability to think on the level that I'm trying to initiate and steer the discussion. You're getting close but you just aren't there.

You can't kill the trinity. You won't kill the trinity. The trinity will always be there in soul. You can only expand upon the trinity into more defined specialized roles that function around the core values of the trinity. For the trinity is utmost simplification of a combat system into a _combat strategy_.

Any notion that the trinity was removed is an illusion, which by converse means YOU ALL ARE DELUSIONAL.

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

ArenaNet: No Guild Wars 2 expansions planned for now

"Expansions are definitely something that we'll potentially check out in the future, yet we do not have a timetable on it," Johanson says. "We're open to it, although I think our major focus as a studio is making the living world concept as robust as possibly can for the players that we have got."

That policy certainly shows by means of the Guild Wars 2 gold game's meaty patch updates mainly bringing extra quest varieties, mini-games, PVP overhauls, & story arcs. When asked on the possibility of seeing a far-off Guild Wars 3, Johanson reiterated ArenaNet's commitment to its current title.

"We must be able to have teams advancing new, innovative features that change the way you play our game and grow that experience so it feels like you do not leave Guild Wars two," he explains. "Guild Wars 2 item ends up being Guild Wars two.5 or Guild Wars 3 & it continues to grow."

Here's a couple of speedy comparisons: Burning Crusade, World of Warcraft's first expansion, appeared after Blizzard spent almost three years adding and updating raids & PVP features in the vanilla content. Star Wars: The Old Republic's first expansion, Rise of the Hutt Cartel, is now in closed and public checking a couple months after the game celebrated its first anniversary.

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Guild Wars 2: Individual story pop up choice?

So I did the PS with 1 character, story was meh yet the combat stuff was fun. Now I'm onto a 2nd character and I have 0 desire to do any PS, is there a technique to turn off that annoying message in the top right cover constantly telling me to do my PS?

Creativity, Innovation, Evolution, these are the path to the light side of the force...and client retention.

No, there is not that I know of. Then again consider a new character will have a entire new story line... you may in fact like that 1. What race/profession did you roll with this time?

then just picture it as a rapid easy approach to earn XP:) story quests offer fantastic xp and respectable rewards..

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