Sunday, December 30, 2012

Korean analysts predict Guild Wars 2 expansion in 2013

Contemplating that Guild Wars 2 runs on a comparable business model to the original Guild Wars, we suspect it is inevitable that an expansion is in the cards. Although when? According to Korean securities firm KDB Daewoo, it seems likely that one will launch within the subsequent year, a tidbit the analysts slipped into a recent report relating to NCsoft's performance for the most recent monetary quarter.

The firm notes that Q4 was an impressive quarter for the company, with a massive upswing in operational profits principally credited to Guild Wars 2. The firm goes on to predict that the marketplace in North America and Europe will be the most financially rewarding for the company, and dependent upon a recent visit to NCsoft's headquarters, the analysts think there are signs that the gw2 gold game could be due for its first expansion before too lengthy. It's not an official update from ArenaNet, however fans of the game can feel gratis to start speculating on what the new year will bring.

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