Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The candidates for the 2012 Players Choice Awards Announced

The occasion of the New Year is approaching, a large gaming website foreign markets this year, a listing of upcoming online games enumerate out, allowing the player to vote for their favorite and most award-winning game.

A total of five players to choose the contest awards, including Best Game Award 2012 "," 2012 Most Anticipated Game Award ", the" 2012 Most Innovative Game Award "," budding Game Award 2012 and in 2012 the best mixed type game Award. "

The following is a candidate to compete for the five major awards game:

Best Game Award "in 2012:" Guild Wars 2 "," Pirates 101 "," planetary marginal 2 "," Z Jones "," space-time rift: Storm Legion "," Star Wars: The Old Republic, TERA ", "mysterious world", "world of Warcraft: Panda Man of Mystery."

2012 Most Anticipated Game Award: "Ancient Century","Darkfall Unholy Wars", "Rebel", "Elder Scrolls OL", "Final Fantasy 14: newborn kingdom "Firefall", "the diffuse Wei heroes", "Neverwinter Nights", "away from home", the "constellation citizens," population "," wilderness planet. "

"2012 Most Innovative Game Award: Firefall, Guild Wars 2," "Pirate 101", "mysterious world", "Wakfu."

Budding Game Award "in 2012:" Ancient Century "," nightfall: the unclean Battle (Darkfall: UnholyWars) "," DayZ "," Final Fantasy 14: newborn kingdom "," the interstellar citizen "," population ", "The War Z".

The best mixed type 2012 Game Award: DOTA2 "the mech world", "Heroes Union", "Mech Warrior OL SMITE", "World of Tanks.

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