Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bug of Guild Bounty Missions in Guild Wars 2!

Your Attention please, according to the announcement of North American Community Team Leader, there was a bug of Guild Bounty Missions, so that they suggest that guild masters not spend the influence to speed up the process of unlocking the Guild Bounty Missions until they are able to fix this bug. Something worried most of the players is they have no idea how’s going with their progress and the influence’s status, they are gone or would be kept in the system or not? ... However ArenaNet will keep updated. And also we will keep Guild Wars 2 gold players informed in time!

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Guild Wars 2 guild missions detailed, trailered as game goes on sale

ArenNet has released a new trailer showing much of the new guild missions coming to the MMO with the update on February 26. The developer has also updated its blog with some pertinent data on the matter. On top of all this, the Guild Wars 2 gold game is on sale until February 25. So in case you have been in the market for it, you could grab the Digital Edition and Digital Deluxe editions for 30% off. Hit up the links to find out more. The latest video is below.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Loot Issues in Guild Wars 2

After minutes of dodging fatal blows, dancing around your enemy with unparalleled focus and calling upon every skill & every tactic you've mastered along your journey, you finally slay the mighty beast! You approach it is corpse and from it, you hold up... a chunk of ore! You hold this chunk of ore high with a triumphant roar!

Alright, so that wasn't the most epic ending to the dramatic encounter right? Well if you're like most Guild Wars 2 gold players, then you've probably had this happen to you before and are most likely under the presumption that the loot tables, for a lot of the more challenging monsters in the game, could be a bit off. Well it turns out that presumption isn't too far from the truth.

In accordance with a recent forum post by Colin Johanson, Game Director for Guild Wars 2, the loot procedure itself is often working fine.

"After reading reports in the loot concerns thread, we spent more time investigating our rewards process. As I mentioned a number of weeks ago, we verified that all loot tables are indeed working appropriately in the game." Says Johanson

He does go on to share nonetheless, that after continued research they discovered that the circumstance is not with the loot method itself, although with the way it determines if players will need to qualify for receiving loot.

"The rules by which you qualify for credit for an event or for experience when killing a mob are unique rules than those used to help identify if you qualify for loot. A lot of these were set up to be unintentionally restrictive, and as such you could kill a creature with a good deal of health (this was most noticeable on champions) & not qualify for loot, despite qualifying for all other credit."

So in a nut-shell, you can do adequate damage to get credit for the kill & experience points, but only qualify for minimal to no loot at all. Which should explain getting "Chunks of Ore" from creatures that could practically 2-shot you in the event you are not conscientious.

He does bring fantastic news at the end of his post however, saying that the fix for this issue will be coming with the February update. Based on Johanson, after the fix has been implemented:

*All champion-type mobs must more often than not drop at least one blue or better loot item

*All veteran mobs will have a chance at dropping better loot, in comparison to normal mobs

He also brings up the point that you will still need to do sufficient harm to qualify for loot, though not doing sufficient harm is the only reason champion mobs won't drop any loot.

Colin Johanson wraps up his post by saying:

"On top of this, we're also revising much of the loot in numerous locations of the GW2 gold game for the February release that need to make precise sectors more enjoyable. We'll cover this is in detail with the February release notes."

So rest assured adventurers. By the end of this month you will not need to be ashamed about sharing your treasure experiences at your subsequent Moot! You could read the full forum post by Colin Johanson here.

See you in game!

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Guild Wars 2 Community Meet & Greet in Seattle on March 1

ArenaNet is having a meet and greet for fans at the Tap Home Grill in downtown Seattle on Friday, March 1st, 2013 for those interested by stopping by!

Some of the developers will be accessible to meet and hang out with the fans. They also plan to serve a light lunch & give out drink tickets to a lot of the fans that cease in to share hello.

Although that's not all! They will also be holding a live Q&A session for the fans that make it to ask questions concerning the Guild Wars 2 gold game & will giving out prizes from SteelSeries!

When: Friday March 1, 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Where: Tap House Grill, 1506 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98101
Who can attend: This event is open to anyone 21 and over. No tickets or reservations are demanded, although we are confined to the capability of the venue.

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Guild Wars 2 teaches you the way to capture-the-orb in most up-to-date gameplay video

The most recent Guild Wars 2 gameplay video details the new PvP map included in the upcoming content update Flame & Frost: The Gathering Storm.

The PvP map called "Spirit Watch" features a capture-the-flag mode. 2 teams must capture the Orb of Ascension situated in the center of the map & run it to 1 of three capture shrines: Wolf, Raven & Bear.

Teams are allocated capture shrines at the start of the match. Running the Orb to a friendly shrine awards 30 points & running the orb to enemy shrine rewards 15 points; but, the shrine is neutralized by doing so.

GW2 gold players with Orb possession are lowered to 60 % speed, yet have access to all of their powers, except stealth and swiftness.

Guild Wars 2 was released Aug. 28, 2012 for Windows Computer and Sep. 18 for Mac and will add its 2nd content update Flame and Frost: The Gathering Storm on Feb. 26.

See more info about buy Guild Wars 2 gold at:

Friday, February 1, 2013

ArenaNet wants more transparency

Game Director Colin Johanson commented on the official forum of the online role-playing game Guild Wars 2 on the plans regarding the game design and transparency.

In Guild Wars 2 ends of these days the Wintersday event and thus leads ArenaNet his players in mind that this is a second time only one event negotiated, which provided for a temporary new content, much like it has with the Halloween update case. Meanwhile stirs among the community of Guild Wars 2, but the interest in more profound changes and so every Guild Wars 2 gold game director Colin Johanson taken in the forum MMORPGs with no monthly fees and a heart embellished the plans.

Away from the fact that they would soon unveil details in order to ensure more transparency, says the Post, among other things only small patches in January. Also, the February and March are the only preparation for coming changes. These range but on the areas of PvE and PvP WvW. The scope could correspond to what one would normally expect from an expansion and is designed to help the existing game world still watchable to do in all respects.
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