Thursday, November 15, 2012

Guild Wars 2 information and event schedule for the "Lost Coast" update

NCsoft and ArenaNet have new details of the second content update for 'Guild Wars 2' announced on the 16th November will be titled 'The Lost Coast' recorded and heralded with a multiphase event. Besides the new areas and fresh challenges due to the so-called mini-expansion with a new opportunity to audition. Who bought the game can invite up to three friends, 'Guild Wars 2' between the 15th and the 19th November try free. Thus also meet players who walk on different servers, the "play as guest" feature is implemented. Heimaltwelttransfer a is in this case not needed.

In addition to general improvements ArenaNet wants a "mysterious explorable area" (available for players of all levels) realize an "ambitious new dungeon" and "a new PvP map, which is housed in a dojo of Kodan" with the content update. Furthermore,gw2 gold players on new equipment (new weapon skins on item enhancements to another item category between the degrees "exotic" and "Legendary") forward and craft updates (including new, recoverable resources and 200 new recipes).

On 15 November begins at 18 clock, the free game sample parallel with the release of the update builds. On 16 November 21, the event will start at "The Lost Coast", the last phase on 18 November begins by 20 clock. Gone is the event and audition spook on 19 November at 7 clock. More information about the event can be found on the official website of 'Guild Wars 2'.

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