Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Guild Wars 2 welcomes Wintersday next month
While hardcore Guild Wars players probably knew to expect it, the news that Wintersday is coming to Guild Wars 2 is welcome nevertheless! ArenaNet has just announced that the gw2 gold game's second holiday will be arriving on December 14th and will continue until January 3rd.
Modern Wintersday is a Tyrian holiday that binds several different celebrations together with the mutual love of toys. An Asuran Santa Claus, Toymaker Tixx, will be traveling to all of the major cities to hand out toys to the good little boys and girls. And yes, that means you, even though you've been flirting with the "naughty list" this year.
The official Wintersday page is sparse as of yet, but keen-eyed visitors can spot some cool pieces of concept art, including one of Tixx's awesome airship.
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Thursday, November 22, 2012
Guild Wars 2: The Lost Shores event, patch notes now available
With patch notes for The Lost Shores update posted yesterday, the event is now live and kicking for buy Guild Wars 2 gold players. The Lost Shores event starts today at noon PST and will continue through the weekend until it ends at noon PST on Sunday.
Interested parties need to check out the release notes for The Lost Shores. Aside from updating the game with the new event, new tier of gear, and new dungeon, the patch made a number of changes to professions, PvP, and storyline quests.
View slideshow: Guild Wars 2 The Lost Shores update screenshots
A peak at Ascended gear
Photo credit: ArenaNet
Lost Shores LandfallLost Shores Landfall
All eight professions can expect changes from the update. Many of which are alterations to the way abilities function as combo finishers. Normal percentage increases and decreases are included as well. Check out a specific profession by visiting the official patch notes.
PvP paid tournament rewards have been "improved" while PvE players can now progress through more storyline steps without being blocked by bugs. Fixed storyline steps include, but are not limited to:
"The Hatchery"
"Source of Orr"
"Estate of Decay"
"A Light in the Darkness"
"Ships of the Line"
For a full list of affected quests and the full patch notes, check out the official forums.
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Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Guild Wars 2: Current Patch Notes for Game Update of November 20th
The Guild Wars developer ArenaNet released new patch notes for Guild Wars 2 A new game update of 20 November brings minor updates for the Lost Coast and for PvP tournaments.
The developers of ArenaNet published on 20 November 2nd again a new game update for Guild Wars Class or balance changes were not going posted on the server. Instead, there's a few minor adjustments to the area of the Lost Coast and in PvP tournaments. So it should be no problem, for example, more with some of the dealers from Canachs folly.
Also fixed are problems with some of the waypoints in the southern lights Bay. The full patch notes for Game Update of 20 November for Guild Wars 2, you can read below. For more information and reports about the gw2 gold game, including the November update, you'll find collected on our topic page for Guild Wars 2
Guild Wars 2 - Update of 20 November
The dynamic level increase for low level players in Lion's Arch and the southern lights-bay has been removed.
Fixed a bug which caused that some dealers do not Canachs folly appeared.
A bug was fixed that caused the bridge between the glass-blowing sources and the Mottled coast lacked.
Fixed a bug that resulted in some of the waypoints in the southern light-bay occasionally could not be used.
Fixed a bug which caused that appear invulnerable Karka an event were on the beach.
A Karka Champion added that guards the rich Orchalkiumvorkommen in Karka-building.
The NPC of the investigation commission in Lowenstein were removed.
An error was fixed that could cause an incorrect amount was paid in gems in paid tournaments.
The respawn time is now static in tournaments counted down for each player, instead of a group-wide Reswpawn wave.
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Sunday, November 18, 2012
Guild Wars 2 - Part 2: MMO Co-Opportunities Volume XXVIII
A couple months back I did a “traditional’ MMO Co-Opportunities on Guild Wars 2. The overarching theme I highlighted about the game was how it encouraged people to work together. Even if players aren’t grouped, they can still get credit for quests/events, and get loot off the mobs they work to kill together. Instead of a competing against other players for PVE (player versus environment) content, buy Guild Wars 2 gold players are encouraged with work with them. For this month’s column, I decided to do a follow-up - or a “part 2, if you will. This time I’ll focus on the PVE “end-game” of Guild Wars 2.
After playing the game from release (over two months now!), I’ve gotten two characters to max level and geared out. My guild primarily focuses on PVE, and so the cooperative end-game for us is dungeons. Some of you may play Guild Wars 2, but haven’t quite capped out your character. Others may be interested in the gw2 gold game, but haven’t picked it up because they’re curious about what the end-game content is like. Hopefully I can give you a picture of how it plays.
Dungeons are scattered across the world and are available throughout the levels. When your character reaches the appropriate level for one, you’ll receive a nice in-game mail notifying you of this and a helpful link to show you where it is on the map. Each dungeon has two types of mode: Story and Explorable. Story mode will take you through the story of the dungeon and upon completion will unlocked Explorable mode for your character. The first time you complete story mode you’ll also get a rare hat of the appropriate level for the dungeon. Explorable mode is balanced for five levels after story mode, and provides multiple paths which each have their own bosses and unique mechanics. While explorable modes become unlocked only five levels after the story mode, they are clearly intended for level 80s (the max level), as completing them puts you on the track to purchase level 80 exotic gear. Before I get to all that, though, here’s a list of the Guild Wars 2 dungeons, and their recommended levels:
Ascalonian Catacombs (AC) - Story at 30, Explorable at 35
Caudecus’ Manor (CM) - Story at 40, Explorable at 45
Twilight Arbor (TA) - Story at 50, Explorable at 55
Sorrow’s Embrace (SE) - Story at 60, Explorable at 65
Citadel of Flames (CoF) - Story at 70, Explorable at 75
Honor of the Waves (HotW) - Story at 76, Explorable at 80
Crucible of Eternity (CoE) - Story at 78, Explorable at 80
The Ruined City of Arah (Arah) - Story at 80, Explorable at 80
Friday, November 16, 2012
The Lead Designer Of Guild Wars 2 Is Answering Your Questions Right Now
ArenaNet’s massively multiplayer Guild Wars 2 has been out for a few months now, and many of us here at Kotaku really like the gw2 gold game. Like any MMO, its already changed quite a bit since launch, and ArenaNet has begun regularly adding new content, quests, and gear to extend the game’s life well into the future.
There’s so much to talk about, so much to play and see, that you just may have some questions. And hey, what do you know, Guild Wars 2 Lead Designer Isaiah Cartwright has volunteered to come by for an hour and answer anything you care to ask.
So, have at it: Ask him anything you like down in the comments. Cartwright will begin answering at 6PM Eastern time, and he’ll keep going for about an hour.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Guild Wars 2 information and event schedule for the "Lost Coast" update
NCsoft and ArenaNet have new details of the second content update for 'Guild Wars 2' announced on the 16th November will be titled 'The Lost Coast' recorded and heralded with a multiphase event. Besides the new areas and fresh challenges due to the so-called mini-expansion with a new opportunity to audition. Who bought the game can invite up to three friends, 'Guild Wars 2' between the 15th and the 19th November try free. Thus also meet players who walk on different servers, the "play as guest" feature is implemented. Heimaltwelttransfer a is in this case not needed.
In addition to general improvements ArenaNet wants a "mysterious explorable area" (available for players of all levels) realize an "ambitious new dungeon" and "a new PvP map, which is housed in a dojo of Kodan" with the content update. Furthermore,gw2 gold players on new equipment (new weapon skins on item enhancements to another item category between the degrees "exotic" and "Legendary") forward and craft updates (including new, recoverable resources and 200 new recipes).
On 15 November begins at 18 clock, the free game sample parallel with the release of the update builds. On 16 November 21, the event will start at "The Lost Coast", the last phase on 18 November begins by 20 clock. Gone is the event and audition spook on 19 November at 7 clock. More information about the event can be found on the official website of 'Guild Wars 2'.
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Contest: We are giving away 1500 keys for the test weekend in Guild Wars 2
Guild Wars 2 will be extended and you can do it just try it. Regardless of whether you play or not already, you can look with a Key the new areas of the lost coast for four days with a look at the promoted to level 80 character.
All that you have to do is, you go to our key giveaway page to Guild Wars 2 and you get to one of the keys. And of course you have to like one of the first 1,500, then only you will get a key.
Invite then down the client visited the Guild Wars 2 site and triggers a the Key. Then you can of 15 November 2012 at 18:00 clock 19 to November 2012 at 7:00 clock in the Lost-coastal weekend to be there.
The Lost Coastlines are the first major expansion and genuine high-level Contnet for experienced players from level 80 Is not just a trip that there, but generally in the world of Guild Wars 2 is definitely worth, you can read in our review for the gw2 gold game. From the conclusion: "ArenaNet has created a huge, living world for explorers, woven countless stories and characters and provided the whole with a gameplay concept that all players allows equal participation, regardless of level, class, Quest or group affiliation and. this is only the foundation.
Add to this a beautiful graphic design with beautifully designed, modern and intuitive combat system, a robust crafting system, motivating successes, the fair cash shop and, in the long term promising, PvP modes. All this with no monthly fees, for a single mite of roughly 50 euros.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Guild Wars 2 Art Director Daniel Dociu was in the 50 most captivating artists
Game Developer magazine has named 50 of the most appealing game artists, Guild Wars 2 Art Director Daniel Dociu glorious was on the list. Daniel Dociu works were selected for the international CG artists Yearbook "Expose9", and also as the cover for the creation of "National Geographic" critical acclaim. The honor is deserved.
The magazine commented as follows:
Guild Wars 2 looks like that the artistic director Daniel Dociu lead you to the taste of a detailed abstract concept of the art world, in the game, everything came so incredible. ArenaNet art director Daniel Dociu men's artistic team, show us an impressive game screen. Generally speaking, large MMO games for some of the game's performance is bound to sacrifice part of the gw2 gold game effect. In Guild Wars 2, and all this can be described as spectacular!
In addition, the the Digital Extremes Company Sheldon Carter, because of its unique aesthetic in The Darkness II (dark areas) praise. At the same time, Rockstar Games, Robert Nelson, Max Payne 3 (Tomorrow) also showed a very good visual effects.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Guild Wars 2 Review
Carol Pinchefsky from Forbes also reviewed (the PvE-side of) the game, and came away with a very positive 9 out of 10:
I mean this in a good way: Some aspects of GW2 seems to have been created by list. Take a list of everything that has annoyed players in other MMOs, and you’ll see that ArenaNet has put serious thought into eliminating those flaws. Hate to spend time locating a quest giver in order to find something to do? Here, you can wander into quests, which are clearly labeled on the map. Want a non-violent approach to your gw2 gold game? You can gain experience from baking bread. GW2 has created a genuinely new experience that changes your expectations of what an MMO is supposed to do. Whether the changes work for you may depend on what you’re used to, but the attempt is brave, and for the most part, successful.
The fact that GW2 seems like an anti-[insert name of popular MMO here] checklist may be to its detriment. Players who enjoy games like [insert name of popular MMO here] may decry GW2′s lack of structured quests, and its continuous gameplay may feel to some like a grind. If you’re the kind of player who likes to work through a stack of quest assignments, you’re out of luck here. And you can’t track dynamic events at all, they just happen around you. As a result, if you’re in too much of a hurry to work through an area you could miss out on a lot. But since GW2 isn’t charging you by the month, take it easy, see what happens, and you’ll experience more of what the gw2 gold game has to offer.
The variety of different activities on offer, plus the fact that dynamic events will spawn all about you as you travel, means there’s a very good chance you’ll end up doing something entirely different than you’d originally planned when you logged in. I love the flow of GW2, a flow that leads me continually forward, and there is adventure wherever I go.
The best part of GW2 is the fact that the game gives you the freedom and flexibility to play your own way…so much so that I’ve only just spent the length of this article reviewing player vs. environment combat. I haven’t even touched on the two other aspects of the game, player vs. player and world vs. world combat. That will wait for part two of my review, coming soon.
Despite the few niggling bugs and the less-than-polished inventory system, this could have been a complete winner. It was only the lack of emotional attachment to my character that put a crimp in this game’s awesome style. Still, ArenaNet has built an MMO that I want to play. Because of this, I give GW2 a 9 out of 10 — for PvE.
What about PvP and even WvW? Stay tuned for part two.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Many details about The Elder Scrolls Online
ZeniMax Online is pleased to present things prepared for you in The Elder Scrolls Online. Even though we are told that in this video we review only some basic elements of the gw2 gold game, the team engaged in the manufacture MMORPG developed very interesting topics, and classes to be included, combat system, revolutionary technology to be adapted for the big and the only server (Megaserver), the PVP (wow how many characters ...), so the graphics of the game. In my opinion, if The Elder Scrolls Online will not have a monthly fee and adopt the model of Guild Wars 2 will quickly become a commercial success and one of the MMOG market reference sites.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
"The Lost Shores" will be the next update of Guild Wars 2
Through the gw2 gold game's official website, NCsoft and ArenaNet have unveiled the first details of "The Lost Shores", the next update will receive Guild Wars 2 and hopefully by the end of this month. Not much information is given, with the following message: "Something is moving in the Sea of Sorrows ... Unravel a mystery of monstrous proportions in The Lost Shores, a massive global event that will change only Tyria forever. "This is because the second major event that users can enjoy Guild Wars 2 after the recent "Mad King's Shadow."
Friday, November 2, 2012’s Guild Wars 2 New Content Preview with Pokket and Colin Johanson.
MMORPG Pokket has a great interview with ArenaNet Colin Johanson and a definite must watch. I really don’t want to take away from the interview by giving out any spoilers but I really like what I heard about the direction concerning holidays. I will leave that at that but I hope all you GW2 enthusiasts enjoy watching this fabulous interview from MMORPG.<source>
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Next Guild Wars 2 major content update arriving 15th November
Now it seems that due to Hurricane Sandy, there are many gamers affected by it which at the same time has affected their ability to play Guild Wars 2, which means that they are missing out on the Halloween special. Unsurprisingly many of these gamers have reached out to ArenaNet, asking them if it was possible for them to extend their Shadow of the Mad King Halloween event to make up for “lost time”. Unfortunately for those players, it looks like ArenaNet will not be doing so, but at the same time it was revealed that this was because ArenaNet has a major content updated scheduled for the 15th of November.
“We heard your questions about extending the Halloween event for those of you affected by Sandy. Unfortunately we cannot do that, but the reason why we can’t is exciting: We are preparing for our big November update, which will start on November 15, and there will be content that will be in the gw2 gold game prior to that, leading up to the event. But we also want to use this moment to remind you all that your personal safety is much more important than any computer game. If you could be affected by the storm, please listen to the authorities and take every precaution to ensure you and your loved ones are safe. Tyria will still be there once the storm is over.”
We’re not sure what sort of content update we can expect, and in a way this is good news especially for Guild Wars 2 players who might already be looking forward to new content, although at the same time it is disappointing for some gamers who were looking forward to achievements or items available only during the Halloween event. In any case we can’t help but echo ArenaNet’s sentiments in that their safety is more important than a video game.<Source>
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