Sunday, October 28, 2012

GW2: Crazy Inquisition - How the Halloween mini-game

With Act 2 of this year's Halloween events in Guild Wars 2, two new activities into the gw2 gold game. In addition to the mini-game MOBA rumble of the Grim Reaper, you can also try on yourself crazy Inquisition. How can you participate in the game and what to expect here, you will learn in this article.

Joining the Game

If you want to participate in Crazy Inquisition, you have two options: Either you use an enchanted door or talk to an NPC that takes you directly into the game.

Doors were already enchanted with Act 1 comes into play. In the context of this meta-events can now be examined and then enter. Furthermore you get into the realm of the mad king and can can teleport from there to Mad Inquisition.

Alternatively, you also have the opportunity to address the NPC spirit Ramus. This can be found both in Königintal and in Lowenstein. As the spirit that teleports you to rumble of the Grim Reaper, even Ramus is marked on the map with two crossed flags.

Villagers vs. Crazy courtiers
In Crazy Inquisition, two teams compete against each other to earn points: villagers and mad courtiers. On the side of the villagers help you get points for your team by collecting the items and bring them to the four NPCs that are in the corners of the map, and just plain survive.

As a member of the Mad courtiers are you trying to beat villagers in order to convert them. Before you put them in fear, you also get extra points. In addition, you can ask the crazy king to tell the villagers what to do. They must then stand still and run the command. A round is 13 minutes.

Special features of the two sides
On both sides are waiting for you some specifics. Your range can be villagers out of combat no health regenerate, but for example have Scavenge through which you get health back.

However, you are moving faster than the mad courtiers restaurant and you have a special elite skill that makes you invisible to 10 seconds if you do not move. Other skills you gain as a villager by you pick up objects lying around (eg a hammer). You die, you'll be in a lunatic turned courtier, but still collect points for your team.

Crazy as courtier to your health regenerates outside of combat, you move slower than the villagers. To quickly go over the map, you have a total of four teleport points available.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Guild Wars 2 in the shadow of the mad king

With "The Shadow of the insane king" appears the first major content update for Guild Wars 2 With the patch returns the Halloween event in Tyria and there are a lot of new content, such as gw2 gold events, mini-dungeons, and more. We already pre-take a look at some of the content and tell you what you can look forward - without too hefty spoiler, I promise.

Halloween is already in Guild Wars every year large staged and in Guild Wars 2, the event does not go unnoticed by Tyria. Halloween is in Kryta for more than 250 years old tradition. Halloween items to be constructed, erected pumpkin lanterns, candy-corn and distributed some showmen dress up as the Mad King. Allegedly knew Tree Kryta the Mad King actually. He showed up for Halloween, killed all the fun and disappeared. But one year he disappeared for ever. But that was long ago. A legend to buy Guild Wars 2 gold A story for children to shudder. A mystery. Really?

In the starting areas Halloween stalls are with nice decorations. Some NPCs provide guidance to find what activities where. So you come across as the master carvers of the Order of the secret master pumpkin carvers. However, he pays little respect. But he does point out that the Order of pumpkins everywhere distributed, from which one can carve Halloween masks. If you have worked enough pumpkins, should we report back to him. The master carver then judges whether it is also a master of the art of pumpkin carving. So keep an eye out on your journeys to raw pumpkins.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Why we need to buy a wow account before MOP(Mists of Pandaria)?

As we know, the mop will be listed in October of this year (may beJ), and new skills and talent will appear, so that each career will have a whole new experience in that time. Moreover, the level limit will be expanded to 90, the road for leveling will come back again.

Maybe u will say leveling is simple and easy. Oh….w8 (=wait), w8….is simple, but not easy, why should we waste our time for the same and boring tasks? So I suggest to buy a new LV85 account, you can have a new career just for 10 or 20mins. U never know until u try, right?

I bought a Warlock at, that’s efficient and so coooooooooool!
Hey, guys~ what are you waiting for?

Why buy an account? Just play the wow gold game! If you don't want to play the game then there is little point in paying someone to play for you.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Minecraft: World of World of Warcraft game recreated

A group of players has reconstructed parts of the wow gold game world of the popular online role-playing game World of Warcraft in Minecraft.

In contrast to many other projects in Minecraft Azeroth was not copied by hand. The game world was selected by the group from the files of World of Warcraft and thus automatically converted into a Minecraft world.

So far, the two main continents of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms have been completed. Even the interior of buildings and caves was considered. Only instanced areas were largely ignored, as these areas do not directly belong to the gaming world.

Azeroth recreated in Minecraft

The missing parts of the wow gold game world, such as the continent of Northrend, or Outland, to follow shortly. If you want to look at you the hauled in more detail, you can view the beta version download.

Azeroth is not the first major project of its kind creative player built as after the battle on Hooth from Star Wars or the multiplayer map Caspian border in Battlefield 3.